Summary of the secret place

For every believer, Christ is legally our dwelling place for in Him we live, move and have our
being (Acts 17:28). However, when you look around you see some experiences that believers go
through which are not compatible with dwelling in Christ. This is because it is one thing to have
a dwelling place but a different thing for the dwelling place to be one’s place of habitation. For
instance, if my home address is at Cairo in Egypt, that is legally my dwelling place but if at a
particular time I travel to California for an event, at that time California is my place of habitation
and not Cairo. We make Christ our habitation through fellowship in intimate prayer, worship,
studying His word and staying still in Him.
When we do these, we contact His manifest presence which the Bible calls the shadow of the
Almighty (Psalm 91:1). It is that shadow that Peter carried that when it fell on the sick, they
were healed. It was that presence that healed the woman with the issue of blood when she
touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. In this church era, it is the fragrance of Christ unto God, the
fragrance of life to things that should live and the fragrance of death to oppositions that should
give way. We carry this fragrance as we fellowship with the Lord. By these we become mobile
ark, carriers of divinity both by redemption and fellowship.
There are times in a believer’s life that it becomes necessary to retire into the secret place. For
instance, times of confusion, major cross roads or destiny -influencing decisions. Moses was in
the secret place when he obtained the ten commandments (Exodus 24:12). Jesus came down
from the secret place to choose his twelve apostles (Mark 3:13-14). David was in the secret

place when he killed the Lion and the Bear, an experience he need3ed to slay Goliath (1 Samuel
Secret place is the place of rest, rejuvenation, clarity. The challenge in the world today calls for
believers everywhere to remove the ashes from our altar and seek the Lord with undivided
attention. When we do so we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). When we discover Him, we
discover ourselves and also come out with solutions to the nagging problems of life. A word
from God is all you need to experience a complete turnaround. Carry your Bible, free your mind
from cares and retire with Jesus in close communion, you will come out with a song of victory.

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